Teesside steelworkers demand a long-term strategy from the government

Hundreds of workers will ascend on London to stage a march and put pressure on of the government to find a solution.

Published 17th May 2016

Hundreds of steelworkers are to stage a march in London to keep pressure on the Government to help secure the future of their crisis-hit industry.

Employees from the TATA Steel plant in Redcar will join workers from plants across the country in the capital to walk past Downing Street and Parliament.

Those taking part work for several companies, including Tata, which is selling its loss-making UK assets, including the huge plant at Port Talbot in south Wales.

The steelworkers will demand that the Government works to ensure a responsible sale of Tata Steel and deliver a proper industrial strategy to support the entire steel sector throughout the current crisis.

Roy Rickhuss, general secretary of the Community union, said: For months, the Save Our Steel campaign has engaged hundreds of thousands of people across the UK.

This march will bring steelworkers to London to focus all our attention on delivering a clear message to government: save our jobs, support our communities and deliver the fantastic future for British steelmaking we know it can have.''

Dave Hulse, national officer of the GMB, said: It took the Government a long time to understand how serious this steel crisis is.

This march will be an opportunity for all unions to send a clear message that we need a long term strategy to support our industry and safeguard vital jobs.''