Middlesbrough MP condemns arson attacks on local Councillors.

Published 6th Oct 2016

Middlesbrough MP Andy McDonald said: "The arson attack carried out the home of local councilors is an outrageous assault and has put people lives at risk. The individual or individuals who have carried out or been a party to the despicable act need to think very carefully about the likely consequences of such action. “We are fortunate to have a cohort of local Councillors who are, in the overwhelming majority, terrific representatives who are wholly devoted and committed to representing the best interests of our town and its people. It should not be forgotten that they are Middlesbrough people from all walks of life who put their heart and soul into doing their very best for our town. “I fail to understand what motivates someone to carry out an outrageous criminal act like this and I am at loss to understand what they think they have to gain.

“The Councillors concerned won’t be deterred, of course, and neither will their colleagues. They will continue to go about their daily business and work hard for the people in their Wards and for everyone in Middlesbrough.

“This is a direct attack on our democratic process. If those who are involved in this outrage think they will deter our representatives from carrying out their duties then they are very much mistaken”, said Mr McDonald.

“So I appeal to those involved in this arson attack to think very carefully about what they have done but perhaps more importantly there will be people who have key information about who carried out this attack and I appeal to them to come forward and assist the Police in their investigations.

“Cleveland Police are taking this matter extremely seriously but it falls to our community to give them all they help they need in bringing the perpetrators to justice.

“I would also make an appeal to those involved in political discourse and commentary, be that locally or nationally, to think through the consequences of some of the wilder and grossly vitriolic contributions that they make, and increasingly so through social media, often without any basis in fact whatsoever. They should think long and hard about the tone that they adopt as there is an obvious risk of whipping up a fevered atmosphere which can lead to the compromising of individuals' safety."