Fashion Student almost died in Middlesbrough attack

Sam Farley, 21 has been sentenced to 12 years 6 months for a horrific attack on Esther Garrity as they walked home from a night out

A design engineer who left his girlfriend with severe brain injuries after a drug-fuelled attack has been jailed.

Samuel Farley, 21, inflicted at least 27 blows on Esther Garrity as they walked home from a night out in Middlesbrough.

Esther Garrity, a teenage fashion student at Manchester Metropolitan University, lost teeth and suffered a badly broken jaw and severe brain swelling.

Her injuries were so bad her head swelled to three times its normal size and her father could not recognise her when he saw her in hospital.

A paramedic who attended the scene said her injuries were the worst he had seen anyone survive.

She spent 108 days in hospital and continues to suffer the consequences of the attack in April.

Her boyfriend admitted causing grievous bodily harm with intent on Tuesday as he was due to go on trial for attempted murder.

Farley, of Melbourne Close, Marton, Middlesbrough, had taken cocaine, ketamine and LSD before the attack.

Sam Green QC, defending, said the drugs caused the defendant, normally a loving and caring boyfriend, to behave psychotically.

Mr Green said friends were astonished to hear what he had done and that his behaviour was utterly out of character''

Miss Garrity and her boyfriend had a large circle of friends and were thought to be a loving couple, John Elvidge QC, prosecuting, said.

Farley later told police they had a wonderful relationship, we never had any arguments and we were like best mates''.

But on April 28 he went against his girlfriend's wishes and took LSD during a night out with friends.

He also took cocaine and had ketamine in his system when he was arrested.

The court heard how he had a previous bad experience on LSD which led a friend to urge him not to take it again.

Miss Garrity was only mildly intoxicated when a row apparently inspired by his jealousy developed as they walked home along Marton Road.

He picked up a 7ft piece of wood from a for sale sign but did not hit her with it when she told him not to be stupid''.

Instead, Farley, who went to the gym five times a week, set about her with his hands and feet, with the blows becoming more frenzied.

Miss Garrity's pleas were heard by local residents who came to her help.

Her last words before she fell unconscious were: Stop it, you're going to kill me.''

He left her bleeding from the mouth, nose and ears and assaulted two men who tried to grab him.

He shouted raving in an incomprehensible fashion'', Mr Elvidge said.

He was sedated and the next morning, after asking How's my girlfriend'', he claimed he had been spiked with LSD, only later admitting he had taken it voluntarily.

In a victim statement, Miss Garrity's father Francis recalled the shock of seeing her so badly injured in hospital.

He said: They tried to clean her up but I couldn't recognise the person lying there.

Her head was three times the normal size, her injuries were horrific.''

Her mother Victoria Hoban said she collapsed when she saw Miss Garrity in intensive care for the first time.

Farley instructed his barrister to issue a series of apologies to his victim, her family, his parents and to the court, Mr Green said.

The most important thing I have to say is Samuel Farley is very sorry for the terrible thing he did to Esther Garrity,'' he said.

Body-cam footage taken in hospital showed Farley was profoundly psychotically disturbed'', Mr Green said.

This is utterly, utterly out of character,'' he added.

Farley now intends to warn others about the perils of using drugs, his barrister said.

He wishes to say to young people, drawing on his own situation with humility, shame but maturity, 'don't do drugs, this is what they can do. They do terrible things, shun them'.'

Farley was jailed for 12 years and six months at Teesside Crown Court for the horrific attack and two counts of supplying cocaine.

Judge Simon Bourne-Arton QC said: This case effectively illustrates the dangers of drug taking.

This is, on any view, a tragic case, for it involves the fact that two young hitherto vibrant and talented young people have been blighted.

Blighted, of course, Samuel Farley, by your actions on that night, effectively blighted by the drugs you chose to take.''

He added: You would not have become involved in this horrendous attack were it not for the drugs you chose to take.'

Detective Sergeant Ted Butcher of Cleveland and North Yorkshire Major Investigation Team said: “This was a tragic case for all involved and what started off with two young people having a night out has ended up potentially ruining their lives.

“This case is a prime example of the devastating consequences of taking drugs. The victim is still living with the life changing injuries of this assault and may never fully recover.

“I hope the fact that Farley has been brought to justice for his irresponsible actions provides a stern warning to those who illegally participate in drugs that it is extremely serious and dangerous and they are not worth the life changing impact. I would like to thank the members of the public that went to Esther’s aid. Without their prompt and brave actions and the skills of medical staff we could have been dealing with a murder enquiry”