WATCH: Kate Winslet gives us her tips on looking good on the big screen at the Steve Jobs Premiere

She stars alongside Michael Fassbender and Jeff Daniels in Danny Boyle's "Steve Jobs"

Published 19th Oct 2015

The London Film Festival has brought some of the biggest A-Listers to the UK over the past few weeks and the closing night was no exception.

Kate Winslet, Michael Fassbender and Jeff Daniels walked the red carpet alongside their director Danny Boyle and screenwriter Aaron Sorkin.

'Steve Jobs' tells the story of the 'Apple' co-founder by looking at 3 different high profile product launches from the company who gave us the iPhone, iPad and iTunes.

To show the three different time periods in the film, Danny Boyle decided to shoot in different ways for each 'act'. So Act 1 was filmed on 16mm film, Act 2 on 35mm film and Act 3, which is set in 1998, on digital.

But Kate, who plays Joanna Hoffman in the movie, told us she had a clear favourite of those three...

Michael Fassbender takes on the title character and told us about the challenges that, and the lengthy script by Aaron Sorkin, presented.

Danny Boyle also spoke to us about the challenges of making the film, how great his actors were and revealed he's currently working on Trainspotting 2!

'Steve Jobs' hits cinemas on November 13th. Watch the trailer below