Stockton Accountant Jet-Sets To Help Others Find Their Voice

A Stockton accountant who battled a crippling stammer is making his way to New Zealand to help others find their voice.

Published 13th Nov 2015

A Stockton accountant who battled a crippling stammer is flying to New Zealand to help others find their voice.

Matthew Richardson's speech impediment left him feeling trampped and strugging to take part in life.

Now, after helping more than 200 fellow stammerers control their speech, he's flying across the world to teach people in New Zealand.

The dad-of-two, who works for Amstrong Watson in Northallerton, is a top course instructor with the McGuire Programme.

It's an intensive speech therapy course renowned for supporting singer Gareth Gates and Musharaf Asghar from Channel 4's Educating Yorkshire.

Matthew says the course 'changed his life' and thanks the course for having a career, a wife and two children.

He said: "The programme has given me the ability to read bedtime stories to my two children, Maisy and Felix, speak to clients on the phone and order what I want in a restaurant instead of the few things I could say.

“I’m really looking forward to going over to Wellington and giving people who stutter there the one thing they they’ve always craved, the one thing most people take for granted - to say what they want.

“I am not cured, my speech is something that I will have to work on for the rest of my life but some things are worth fighting for.”

You can find more information about the McGuire Programme HERE.