Justin Bieber Deportation Petition Reaches 100k Signatures

The petition to deport Justin Bieber has received 100k signatures.

Published 29th Jan 2014

A petition to deport Justin Bieber, which was launched only yesterday, has already recieved more than 100,000 signatures.

Once a petition reaches one hundred thousand signatures The White House is obligated to review the issue and release an offical response on the matter. However, in various articles on the official website for The white House, The Obama Administration clearly states that it may decline to address issues that fall within another jurisdiction.

The petition threatens to deport the 19-year-old Canadian popstar from the USA. The peition was created after Justin was recently arrested in Florida after being found guilty of drink driving, failing to stop and failing to present a valid drivers licence. Bieber was later released form custody after posting a bail of $2,500 (ÂŁ1,500).

The petition’s creator and Detroit resident, J.M, described Justin Bieber as “dangerous, reckless, destructive, and drug abusing.”