Lady Gaga gets an unusual Christmas present from her record label

Pop favourite Lady Gaga was given an unusual gift from her record label this Christmas.

Published 23rd Dec 2015

Lady Gaga was given the most amazing Christmas gift by her record label; Interscope this week. The 29-year-old received a white horse.

Showing her delight at the unique gift, Gaga showed off her new pet to her 13 million Instagram followers.

The eccentric pop star showed her love for the gift with the caption “Today on my doorstep was delivered a White Angel from heaven," Gaga posted on Instagram, referring to an actual white horse she received as a present from her record label. "It felt like the old days of the record business, she's such a spiritual girl!" the post continued. "A heartfelt thank you to John Janice and Steve Berman, the whole Interscope family. I will ride, and care for, and love her forever. I was so surprised!", and love her forever. I was so surprised!"

Clearly besotted with her new friend, Gaga continued to show off the horse, who is yet to be named, to her fans.