Icelandic postal service proves a map is just as good as an address

The envelope had a map and description in English.

Published 31st Aug 2016

A recent post on Reddit has gone viral after it shows an envelope, with just a map and description instead of an address, which was delivered correctly.

The letter, which was addressed to "A horse farm with an Icelandic/Danish couple and three kids and a lot of sheep!", was delivered to the farm where Rebecca Cathrine Kaadu Ostenfeld lives with her family in the west of Iceland.

It was sent from a tourist who had stayed at the farm, but didn't know the address and sent it on their way home while in the country's capital, ReykjavĂ­k.

The letter was actually sent back in March this year, but the story has recently become popular after it was posted on Reddit yesterday.

> Without an address, an Icelandic tourist drew this map of the intended location (Búðardalur) and surroundings on the envelope. The postal service delivered! from pics