Hilarious tweets from husbands reveal what marriage is really like

Do you agree?

Published 6th Jun 2016

A series of hilarious tweets have been shared on the image sharing website, Imgur revealing how husbands really feel about married life.

Posted by a user called RepostLord the numerous tweets, gathered from the past couple of years give an insight to relationships around the world.

Whether it's fighting over who has the duvet or who should do the little jobs around the house, how many of these tweets can you relate to?

Take Josh Hara for example who earlier this year likened marriage to coffee.

While Max Dylan Ash's joke about it being 'muggy outside' from June last year saw it being retweeted nearly 22,000 times and rated as one of top 100 jokes on Twitter according to GQ magazine.

Another use Josh joked that he didn't know there was a wrong way to put the milk in the fridge until he was married.

The jokes continue as Kent Graham said he couldn't understand how God only had 10 commandments saying, 'my wife can have 152 just for our house'.

Lastly popular tweeter Rodney Lacroix who seems to 'specialise' in anecdotal tweets about his wife and kids posted a tweet commenting on the age old complaint that wives have about their husbands - they don't listen!

See more of the hilarious tweets below:

Check out the full post on Imgur here »