Police officers pelted with fireworks as group "barricade" street in Gorton

Officers made a number of arrests

Author: Liam ArrowsmithPublished 6th Nov 2024

Police have been pelted with fireworks after a group of teenagers "barricaded" a street in Gorton last night (05 November).

It is understood the group of between 20-30 people used mattresses and wooden pallets to effectively block off Vine Street, before lobbing fireworks at motorists.

They also aimed them at police officers who arrived to break up the crowds - before at least three people were arrested.

It's understood no-one was injured and extra patrols are going to be carried out in the area to offer reassurances.

A Tactical Aid Unit turned up to disperse the crowds

Superintendent Richard McNamara of GMP’s City of Manchester North District said: “As part of our planned operational response to Bonfire night, to safeguard communities, police patrols were quickly deployed to Vine Street within minutes of the report being made to us and the incident quickly dealt with and targeted arrests made to stop escalation.

“We know incidents like this will rightly cause concern to members of the local community and those people who enjoyed Bonfire Night safely.

"I want to reassure the public that this is an isolated incident, which was dealt with very quickly by local neighbourhood officers with assistance from officers from our Specialist Operations branch, who brought the incident to a safe conclusion.

"We have also worked alongside our partners in the area throughout the evening by deploying joint patrols with youth services and colleagues in the fire service."

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