Vandals target thirty vehicles in Montrose

Thugs slashed the tyres of dozens of vehicles, costing thousands of pounds worth of damage.

Published 28th Dec 2016

Around thirty vehicles have been vandalised in Baltic Street in Montrose.

Police Scotland is appealing for information to assist in tracing the person or persons responsible for the incident, which occured in the early hours of yesterday morning. Thousands of pounds worth of damage has been caused and officers continue to trace owners of vehicles that have been targeted. Drivers in the area are asked to check their vehicles and report any vandalisms to police. This follows a similar incident where car tyres were vandalised in Montrose over the weekend of the 17th and 18th of December. Sergeant Clark Renilson said: "We are carrying out a number of positive lines of enquiry into these crimes and I would urge you to contact us if you have any information in connection with the vandalisms or those responsible.

I ask that you contact any police officer, attend at Montrose Police Station or call 101 if you have information that could be helpful to our enquiries, in order that we can fully investigate the circumstances."