Tories call for election law probe into SNP initiative

Tories are demanding an urgent investigation be carried out into whether the SNP's new independence initiative breaks election laws.

Published 2nd Sep 2016

Tories are demanding an urgent investigation be carried out into whether the SNP's new independence initiative breaks election laws.

Scottish Conservatives have written to the Electoral Commission claiming the national survey launched by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon is a "potential breach" of the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000.

The SNP accused the Tories of making "baseless, time-wasting complaints" that have "no basis in reality".

John Lamont, Conservative chief whip at Holyrood, said: "This is shameless from the SNP - trying to dress up their party political stunt as official business."

Leaflets have been "designed without the SNP logo or colours" and in a colour scheme that "looks like an official Scottish Government document," he said.

Mr Lamont said the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 states election material must contain the details of the printer and the promoter.

He said the activist guide from the SNP, launched ahead of a drive to contact two million Scots to learn their views on Europe, Brexit and independence, "contains none of these details".

The Tory told the Electoral Commission: "This has potential to confuse and represents a potential breach of the Act.

"I would be grateful if this could be investigated as a matter of urgency.

"The potential misuse of the SNP's position as the Scottish Government is a serious matter and on the divisive issue of independence it is important that all parties respect the rules on party political materials."

SNP chief whip Bill Kidd said: "Ruth Davidson urgently needs to get a grip of her party.

"First her press office was blowing a xenophobic dog whistle against EU citizens and now the latest mince from the Tories is baseless, time-wasting complaints to the Electoral Commission that have no basis in reality.

"For someone who constantly insists that she's only interested in focusing on the big issues, Ms Davidson must be pretty embarrassed by this petty boomerang attack.

"Ruth Davidson promised to be a strong opposition leader - but it appears that she can't even keep a handle on her right-wing rabble of MSPs or her own press office."