Three dead at Aberdeen tower block

Three people have been killed at Donside Court in Tillydrone

Published 20th Jul 2016

Three people have been killed at an Aberdeen tower block.

The police were called to a disturbance in a flat at Donside Court in Tillydrone at 8:15pm on Tuesday evening.

It’s believed one of those who died may have fallen from the nineteen storey building.

The police do not believe anyone else was involved and they have confirmed no officers have been hurt – despite speculation on social media overnight.

Detective Superintendent Dave McLaren from Police Scotland's Major Investigation Team said: "As a result of this incident three persons are now known to have died. At this time the investigation is in its very early stages however the circumstances as they present at this time would indicate that this is a contained incident and we are not looking for any other person in relation to the deaths.

"Further information will be released in due course."

Councillor Martin Greig is Chair of Aberdeen Community Safety Partnership said: "It is extremely sad to hear of these loss of lives. There will be families grieving profoundly at this terrible news. Our sympathies are with those who have lost loved ones.

“The local community and the city will share feelings of shock at this violent incident. Further information will undoubtedly be released by the authorities in due course. It is reassuring that the police the Council and other organisations are doing their best to help in dealing with this awful incident."

(picture: Bill Harrison 2013 - Tillydrone tower blocks)