Thief steals £2,500 worth of presents on Christmas Eve

Goods including laptops, computer accessories and aftershaves were taken from an address in Dundee's Buttars Place.

Published 29th Dec 2016

A thief who robbed a Dundee family of over £2,500 worth of Christmas presents on Christmas eve is facing jail.

Alexander Westwater snuck into a house in the city's Buttars Place while the occupant was out between 6.30pm and 9pm on December 24.

When the owner returned they discovered the goods- which included laptop computers, headsets, clothes, aftershaves, computer accessories and jewellery had been stolen.

The thief was later caught carrying the items in two bags on a nearby street in the early hours of Christmas Day.

Westwater's lawyer told Dundee Sheriff Court: "He advises me that the items were not gift wrapped when they were taken."

Fiscal depute Isma Mukhtar said: "The complainer left their home to go out at 6.30pm.

"When he returned at 9pm he noted that there were items missing which were intended as Christmas presents.

"Police were contacted and at 11.30pm they attended and noted the details of the incident.

"Whilst nothing that a radio message was overheard in relation to the accused being traced on Clepington Road with two large shopping bags containing various items.

"Police recovered them and ascertained the majority of the items in his possession were items which had been stolen from the address in question.

"The total value of items taken was £2,756.99 of which£2,694.69 was recovered."

Westwater, 36, of Thurso Crescent, Dundee, pleaded guilty on summary complaint to a charge of theft committed on Christmas Eve.

His not guilty plea to a charge of being in possession of tools from which it may be inferred he intended to commit theft on Christmas Day in Clepington Road, Dundee, was accepted by the Crown.

Solicitor advocate Jim Laverty, defending, said: "He has a record that extends to a number of pages.

"The obvious disposal is one of custody and he accepts that.

"However, in my respectful submission that would not protect the long term interests of the public at large."

Sheriff Lorna Drummond QC deferred sentence until next month for social work background reports and released Westwater on bail meantime.

She said: "This is a serious matter - it was a lot that you stole and you have a lengthy record."