Terminally ill Dundee man to run London Marathon

60-year-old Eric Hamilton will run the race after being told he has incurable lung cancer.

Published 13th Dec 2016

A Dundee man who was told he had just three months to live is to run the London Marathon next year.

In April 2015, Eric Hamilton was given the devastating news that he had lung cancer- and was told it would be unlikely he would make it through the summer.

But the 60-year-old became the first person in Tayside to take new drug Afatnib which appears to have significantly prolonged his life.

Now, Eric’s called on a team of experts from Abertay University to help him prepare for the race.

He said: “I’ve had some problems with shin splints and I also wanted to lose a few more pounds before the race so I got in contact with the guys at Abertay for some help.

“I’m hoping they can sort out my running gait and advise me how I should be running.

“I’ve not run a marathon for 25 years but I used to do a lot of running in the late 80s and early 90s.”

Sport and Exercise Science lecturer Dr Ashley Richardson, who conducted biomechanical analysis on Eric, said the results should help him optimise his training for the marathon.

He added: “Efficiency of movement is fundamental when preparing for long distance runs such as a marathon, what Eric and other runners alike need is maximal linear translation using the minimal amount of energy.

“An abnormal inefficient running gait may also increase the risk of injury.

“Completing observational gait analysis can help Eric correct his biomechanics to one that is safer and more economical.

“This will allow for an improved performance running time and minimise the risk of running injuries.”

Scans have shown that the Afatnib is stopping Eric’s tumour from growing, however he doesn’t know how long it will keep him alive.

Eric is a member of the Maggie’s Centre’s support group in Dundee, meeting around 20 others once a month.

After his diagnosis he took up running, joined a mindfulness course, learned about cooking and healthy eating and worked out with a personal trainer.