Tablet 'mountain' raises £60,000 for breast cancer research

A Dundee woman has raised almost £60,000 for breast cancer research by selling homemade tablet.

Published 10th Jan 2017

A mountain of homemade tablet taller than Ben Nevis has helped a Dundee woman raised almost £60,000 for breast cancer research.

Fiona Edwards, has been selling the sweet treat at running events and through friends and family around Tayside and Fife since 2003 to support breast cancer research at Dundee University.

In 2016, she raised over £6,000 bringing her total to just under £60,000 which has gone towards a drugs trial and developing new tests.

She said: "Ive worked out that if all the tablet I've made was stacked up it would be taller than Ben Nevis!

"I still sell much of it at running events across the region- the runners are very good to me- and through my fitness club and family and friends."

All of the money raised by Fiona, who was diagnosed herself with the disease in 2001, goes towards supporting breast cancer research at the University's Medical School.

This now includes pioneering research using 3D mammograms to help detect and measure breast cancers in women presenting with symptoms.

Andrew Evans, Professor of Breast Imaging in the Medical Scool and Honorary Consultant Radiologist with NHS Tayside, said, "We are hugely indebted to

Fiona for the magnificent contribution she makes to supporting cancer research, and breast cancer in particular.

"The monies raised through charity are absolutely vital support for breast cancer research. We could not do the work we do without the support of people like Fiona."