Survey finds doubts over home ownership aspirations

Two-fifths of Scots not already on the property ladder do not believe they will ever be able to buy their own house, according to research.

Published 5th Feb 2016

Two-fifths of Scots not already on the property ladder do not believe they will ever be able to buy their own house, according to research.

Just over a quarter believe it is a normal'' situation to be in while 14% are concerned about the prospect of never being a homeowner, the Bank of Scotland (BoS) How Scotland Lives report found.

While 40% believe they will never own their home, 26% are optimistic about ownership with no financial help other than a mortgage and 8% believe they will be able to buy somewhere with financial help from family. The remaining 26% said they do not know if they will ever own property.

The bank said it was concerning'' that many do not feel they will ever be able to buy their own home.

Younger generations are the most optimistic, according to the report, with almost half (45%) of 18 to 24-year-olds and just under two-fifths (38%) of 25 to 34-year-olds believing they will be a homeowner without the need to borrow money other than a mortgage.

Only 4% of people aged 50 and over were of the same mind-set.

Those living in Aberdeen (40%) are most confident about buying their own home independently while those living in Fife are most pessimistic about ownership, with more than a third (37%) believing they will never be able to own their own home.

More than 3,000 people took part in the BoS survey in December.

Nicola Noble, mortgage director at BoS, said: It's concerning that two-fifths of Scots don't feel they will ever be able to buy their own home, with a quarter of those thinking that this is a normal thing in this day and age.

However, on a more positive note it's reassuring that a quarter of Scots feel financially stable enough to be able to eventually buy a home without the need for financial help other than a mortgage.

It's possible schemes such as Help to Buy and the Help to Buy Isa are making the younger generations more optimistic about being able to afford a home one day.''