Support For Independence Grows

Support for independence has increased compared with 2014's referendum result but the majority of Scots would still reject a bid to leave the UK, a new poll has found.

Published 24th May 2015

Support for independence has increased compared with 2014's referendum result but the majority of Scots would still reject a bid to leave the UK, a new poll has found.

The YouGov poll for the Sunday Post showed that if there was another referendum tomorrow, 47% would vote Yes while 53% would vote No, when those who don't know are stripped out.

Including those who said they were undecided, a total of 44% opted for Yes, 49% for No, 5% are undecided and the remaining 2% would not vote.

In September's referendum, 45% of people voted to leave the UK while 55% wanted to remain in the union.

The YouGov poll of 1,000 people conducted last week found support for independence was strongest among young people, with 59% of 18-24-year-oldssaying they would vote Yes, and 41% backing No.

Those aged between 25 and 59 backed a Yes vote by 53% to 47%, but support was significantly lower among those aged 60 and over, with just 32% backing independence and 68% backing the union.

The poll also quizzed people on whether the promise of another independence referendum in the SNP's 2016 Holyrood manifesto would make them more or less likely to vote for the party.

The move would make around 15% of Scots less likely to vote SNP but a further 11% said it would make them more likely to back the party.

Nicola Sturgeon has failed to rule out including a promise of a second referendum in the manifesto.

She said that the general election, in which the party took 56 out of Scotland's 59 seats, was not about independence but she has stated that a material change'' in circumstances could result in another vote being held.

In his analysis of the YouGov results, polling expert John Curtice said: The nationalist movement probably needs to have 60% support in the polls before it could be sure of winning.

But not to promise a referendum could be risky, too.

The support and enthusiasm the SNP now enjoy might dissipate if an independence vote is taken off the table.''