Supermarket Attacker Faces Jail

A thug who left an 83-year-old double amputee with horrific injuries after battering him with a shopping basket during a row in a supermarket aisle is facing jail.

Published 22nd Dec 2015

A thug who left an 83-year-old double amputee with horrific injuries after battering him with a shopping basket during a row in a supermarket aisle is facing jail.

Murray Dewar launched the attack on pensioner Jack Wemyss in the Tesco Express store in Dundee's Strathmartine Road last month.

Mr Wemyss had entered the store on his mobility scooter - but his path was blocked by Dewar.

He asked the 45-year-old to move so he could get past, but instead an argument broke out.

Fiscal depute Muhamad Sadiq told Dundee Sheriff Court: "At this point the complainer shouted 'go on, hit us'.

"The accused then struck the complainer in his face with the shopping basket he was carrying.

"That resulted in a cut above the left eye.

"The complainer shouted for help and staff attended as the accused left the locus.

"CCTV was reviewed and a press release issued in an attempt to trace the accused.

"He later handed himself in to a police office."

Dewar, 45, of Dundee, pleaded guilty on summary complaint to a charge of assault to injury carried out on November 20.

Defence solicitor Emma Sommerville said: "He suffers from severe anxiety and has had a panic attack today, so is not in the dock.

"He is not in a fit state to come into court, but wishes me to tender a guilty plea on his behalf."

Sheriff Richard McFarlane deferred sentence until January for social work background reports.

Last month Jack, a retired builder, told of the agony he suffered as a result.

He said: "I go to Tesco most days.

"I was going round in my electric chair and he was standing at the display.

"I excused myself and he said 'you are on my foot'.

"He raised his voice and just hit me right on the side of my eye.

"I was a bit dazed but he threw his messages on the floor and ran out of the door."

Paramedics stitched the cut on Jack's face while police took statements from shocked onlookers.

Jack added: "I am diabetic and I've had 25 operations on my legs, so I didn't think it'd come to that for him to hit me.

"My eye was really sore at the time, but it's getting better now. It was more the shock of it all.

"I hope he gets caught so he doesn't do it to anybody else. I've never seen him before, but he was definitely Dundonian.

"I just wonder if he has been out bragging about what he did, so hopefully somebody knows who he is and can tell the police."