First Minister urged to cut self isolation duration

Nicola Sturgeon will address parliament on Wednesday to give an update on the Covid-19 situation

Published 4th Jan 2022
Last updated 4th Jan 2022

Nicola Sturgeon has been urged to cut the length of time required for self-isolation in Scotland.

The First Minister will address parliament on Wednesday to give an update on the situation with Covid-19 as the Omicron variant continues to sweep across the country.

Ms Sturgeon said last week she hoped to be able to give an update on any changes to the self-isolation period - which is currently 10 days.

Scottish Tory leader Douglas Ross has called for the period to be cut to seven days, if two negative tests are returned in the final two days and for household contacts to be allowed to leave isolation if they test negative.

Deputy First Minister John Swinney said on Tuesday the government were still "actively considering" the move, but gave no indication of any specific changes - which have been made by Wales and Northern Ireland in the past week.

"Scotland has the strictest self-isolation rules anywhere in the United Kingdom," Mr Ross said.

"We understand the need for caution, but Nicola Sturgeon's dithering and delaying is continuing to have a major impact on frontline services and the wider economy, due to the sheer numbers having to isolate.

"She must finally confirm in her latest update that the period of isolation will be cut to seven days, for those who have tested negative twice.

"Her indecision, coupled with new restrictions, has harmed many businesses at what should have been their busiest time of the year."

He added: "We've been calling for weeks for these changes to self-isolation rules to be done safely and since then we've seen more evidence that the Omicron variant is proving to be less severe in terms of the impact it is having on those who get the virus.

"Nicola Sturgeon must listen to the warnings from many crucial sectors and finally implement a cut in the length of time people have to isolate for.

"We've seen Wales and Northern Ireland now do this, so people have rightly been asking why has the First Minister continued to wait to do likewise in Scotland?

"Her current approach is unsustainable and tomorrow's update must finally bring in the necessary changes to protect essential services."

Mr Ross' comments were echoed by Scottish Labour deputy leader Jackie Baillie.

Ms Baillie, who is also the party's health spokeswoman, said: "The SNP must use this update to confirm whether they will change self-isolation requirements in line with the latest evidence, to stop staff absences piling yet more pressure on businesses and services this winter."

She went on to also push for an increase in testing capacity after Scots faced trouble booking a PCR test over the festive period.

"Scotland's testing system is showing signs of considerable strain, leaving people across the country facing impossible decisions.

"Before any new restrictions can be justified the government must act to ensure our testing system is working properly and demonstrate the evidence that new rules would meet the unique challenges of Omicron."