Student travels more than 6,000 miles to join Dundee University

The University of Dundee has welcomed one of its newest students, Michelle Green, a resident of the remote island Tristan Da Cunha.

Published 11th Nov 2016

The University of Dundee has welcomed one of its newest students, Michelle Green, a resident of the remote island Tristan Da Cunha.

Michelle will eventually be Tristan’s onsite dental nurse and has come to the University to improve her skills.

She said, “I was really nervous and scared about making the trip to Dundee, it’s a lot bigger than what I’m used to.

“I’m here to learn everything I can about dental work, from children to dentures. Hopefully I’ll be able to match up to the Hygienist back home, though she’s got 30 something years on me.”

Tristan is in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, between Africa and South America and is a group of five islands with a population of 267. There is no airport and no sheltered anchorage. The nearest port is over 1,700 miles away. Despite this, Michelle has travelled over 6000 miles to study at the prestigious Dundee Dental School.

Tristan Da Cunha has strong links with the University of Dundee already, with Dundee Dental graduates and accompanying dental nurses and technicians providing dental care for the islanders since 1995. Their current dentist, Penelope Grainger, who has been making the annual trip to Tristan for the last 5 years, is a Dundee Dental alumna.

Professor Pete Mossey from the Dental School has provided orthodontic advice to the islanders over the years, and helped to facilitate Michelle’s trip. He said, “It is such a delight to have Michelle here in Dundee. She has a fantastic attitude towards this opportunity and is making the most of it, both professionally and personally.

“Dundee has had a tremendous influence on dental service provision on Tristan Da Cunha over the years and there are many people in Dundee who have now been to the island.”