SNP Suspends Murphy Protest Pair

Published 5th May 2015

Two of the protesters who disrupted a Scottish Labour rally have been suspended from the SNP.

Piers Doughty-Brown and James Scott were part of the group which confronted party leader Jim Murphy in Glasgow's city centre as he campaigned with comedian Eddie Izzard.

Mr Murphy struggled to be heard over chants of "red Tories out'' and had to cut short the campaign visit as scuffles broke out.

The SNP confirmed today that it had placed the two men under administrative suspension.

A spokesman for the party said: "Mr Doughty-Brown has been placed under administrative suspension from the SNP, as was James Scott.

"The SNP will always act on these matters - unlike Labour, who have still taken no action against senior Labour activist Ian Smart for his vile tweets.

"As Nicola Sturgeon has said, this is a fantastic election campaign and we should all be out there putting forward positive messages and engaging constructively with the people of Scotland.''