SNP 'has built or refurbished twice as many schools as previous administration'

The SNP government has built or refurbished twice as many schools as the previous administration, Holyrood researchers have found.

Published 15th Aug 2016

The SNP government has built or refurbished twice as many schools as the previous administration, Holyrood researchers have found.

There were 607 schools built and refurbished between 2008 and 2015, compared with 308 in 1999 and 2007 under the Labour/Liberal Democrat coalition, data obtained from the Scottish Government by the Scottish Parliament Information Centre (Spice) shows.

SNP MSP Jenny Gilruth, a former teacher, said: "As many young people from across Scotland head back to school this week, some reflecting on their recent exam results, it is encouraging to know that many thousands of them will be doing so in new or refurbished schools.

"These figures highlight the importance the SNP has placed on providing both pupils and teachers with the very best learning environment. As a former teacher myself, I know the difference that a modern, accessible and welcoming school building can make to pupils' attainment and to the performance of staff.

"The SNP's manifesto promises to build on the success of our Schools for the Future programme, which has been responsible for these rebuilds and refurbishments. The sustainability and efficiency of our schools is also vitally important - ensuring that our pupils and teachers are able to work in positive and modern buildings, which undoubtedly helps our pupils to learn.

"As the First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has made clear, education will be the absolute priority of this SNP government and I'm delighted to see more work being done to improve our school estate - to ensure the new or refurbished schools that young people are returning to this week are top of the class."