Search for missing Dundee teen

William Dixon was last seen near Harris Academy on Thursday morning.

William Dixon
Published 29th Sep 2017

A search is underway in Dundee to find 15-year-old William Dixon.

The teenager was last seen in the area of Harris Academy, Perth Road, at 9am on Thursday, 28 September.

Police are asking one with information to contact them.

A spokesman for Police Scotland said: “William is described as five foot six inches tall, slim build, light brown hair with blue eyes.

“He was last seen wearing a maroon coloured Harris school blazer, a white shirt with school tie, black trousers, black Nike trainers and a black coloured Nike rucksack.

“If you were in the area at the time and saw a male matching this description or if you have any information that can assist us in tracing William, please contact Police Scotland on 101, or speak with any police officer.