Scottish Labour 'Unite' Unite Behind "Murphy's Law"

Published 10th Jan 2015

Scottish Labour will put the needs of Scotland first when creating policy under a new doctrine the party has dubbed Murphy's Law''.

New leader Jim Murphy said he will never apologise for using UK taxes to fund distinctly Scottish policies, such as his pledge to use taxes mainly taken from London millionaires to pay for 1,000 extra nurses in Scotland.

He will present a redrafted version of Scottish Labour's constitution to the party's Scottish executive today, emphasising his desire to put Scotland first'' withoutgiving up solidarity with people across the UK''.

Tory London Mayor Boris Johnston accused Labour of being fiscally vindictive towards the south east of England, in order to try to bribe the Scots to vote Labour'' with its UK mansion tax and related Scottish nursing pledge.

Mr Murphy said: Boris Johnson has called Scottish Labour plans for 1,000 extra nurses 'vindictive'.

Well, I'm never going to apologise for using taxes raised across the UK to fund the Scottish NHS. I will always make policy in Scotland that is for the good of the country. The new Clause 4 sets the principles behind my leadership in stone.

Scottish Labour is now under new leadership. I am determined to meet the real challenge we face to persuade our fellow Scots to support us. By voting for us they will be voting for Scotland.

We'll be doing all we can in the run-up to the general election in May to show that it is only by voting for Labour that you can get rid of the Tories.''

He added: When I spoke just after being elected leader I said that Scottish Labour needed to change to be stronger for Scotland.

Under my leadership no-one will be left in any doubt that we call the shots in Scotland, that we stand up for Scotland and we put Scotland first.

I've already spoken about Labour supporters who voted Yes in the referendum and how we intend to win them back.

Yes voters wanted change and I will deliver that. With me, voting for and joining Scottish Labour will be supporting a party that is committed to a permanent, powerful Scottish Parliament.''

SNP MSP Stewart Maxwell said: It seems appropriate that Labour are keen to brand their internal changes as 'Murphy's Law', given it states that anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. Clearly even within his own party Jim Murphy isn't inspiring much confidence.

The problem for Jim Murphy is that people in Scotland have heard it all before. Johann Lamont claimed to be taking complete control of the Labour Party in Scotland when she took charge, only for her to quit blaming her Westminster bosses of treating Scottish Labour like a branch office.

Actions speak louder than words and Labour's track record is one of campaigning hand in glove with the Tory Party that has done so much to damage Scotland's interests. People in Scotland will not be quick to forgive or forget that fact.''