Scottish Government urged to help tackle crimes against older people

Action on Elder Abuse estimates that about 100,000 older people in Scotland suffer some form of abuse each year.

Published 3rd Sep 2018

The Scottish Government has been urged to introduce legislation that will allow for tougher sentences for crimes against older people.

Action on Elder Abuse Scotland wants the abuse of vulnerable people to be made a statutory aggravating offence in law. The charity estimates that about 100,000 older people in Scotland suffer some form of abuse each year.

They said a recent review of hate crime laws in Scotland, carried out by Lord Bracadale, had paved the way for the change.

The review's recommendations called on ministers to consider a general aggravation covering exploitation and vulnerability.

Lord Bracadale also concluded that there should be a new statutory aggravation based on “age hostility”.

The charity, which holds its annual conference in Glasgow on Monday, said Scotland had the opportunity to lead the UK on the issue, and urged

Older People and Equalities Minister Christina McKelvie to act.

It highlighted that many cases involving victims suffering from frailty or dementia do not reach the attention of the police or courts, and those that do often result in community sentences.

Director Lesley Carcary said: “The Scottish Government has shown its commitment by appointing the first minister for older people of any UK nation - and we're delighted that Christina McKelvie will be joining us at our conference.

“We now have an opportunity to go further, however.

“I would urge the Scottish Government to take seriously the recommendations in the Bracadale review and bring forward workable legislation that will finally see the calamitous impact of elder abuse on victims recognised in the statute books.

“Currently, the decision to apply a tougher sentence in cases involving older victims is at the discretion of the judge. That's not good enough.

“What our older people and their families need is the reassurance that criminals who prey on them will receive a punishment that fits the crime.

“That reassurance must come in the form of a statutory aggravated offence to ensure consistency in our justice system.”

The charity also wants more vulnerable people, including older people, to be able to pre-record their evidence in court cases.

Ms McKelvie said: “Our vision of a fairer Scotland is one that values the contribution older people make to our society. As such the Scottish Government will do everything in its power to support their rights and interests.

“Lord Bracadale recognised that older people can be targeted by perpetrators because of a perception that they are more vulnerable and so he recommended that the Scottish Government consider the introduction of a general aggravation concerning exploitation of vulnerability.

“We will consult later this year on that and the other recommendations in Lord Bracadale's report."