Scottish Government provides £20m to tackle number of drug deaths

It will support a new taskforce which is looking into what law changes can be made to save lives

Author: Callum ClarkPublished 5th Sep 2019

Twenty million pounds has been set aside by the Scottish Government to tackle the number of drug deaths across the country.

The money will support a new taskforce which is looking into what law changes can be made to save lives.

Public Health Minister Joe FitzPatrick said, :“What Scotland faces in terms of drug deaths is an emergency – addressing that will need new approaches even if at first they may be challenging.

“Our new Taskforce has the desire and the experience required to tackle this problem and I look to them to help shape how services in Scotland could help save lives.

“Building on increases in funding in recent years we’re investing a further £20 million over the next two years to help deliver the proposals that come forward.

“We will also host a drug summit in Glasgow to further explore this issue, ensuring that the voices of those with experience of using drugs, and their families, are also heard.

"I’ve repeatedly invited the UK Government to attend this summit – I hope they will soon commit to doing so.

“There are no easy answers, but if we’re to save lives we need a recognition that change is both necessary and, with the right support, achievable."

It comes after a report by the Dundee Drugs Commission highlighted a "fractured" support system in the city.

Nicola Sturgeon wants to see these recommendations implemented across the city.

"The commission's work is obviously very important in the context of Dundee and the points made about the differing contexts in certain circumstances are very valid and must be considered," she said at FMQ's.

The group, chaired by Professor Catriona Matheson of the University of Stirling, has 23 expert members with the first meeting taking place on 17 September.

Professor Catriona Matheson said: “We have undertaken a lot of work to prepare for the first Taskforce meeting so that we can hit the ground running.

“Having said that, the scale of the challenge is considerable and I appeal to the wider community to continue to be supportive to enable us to address together the tragedy of drug deaths affecting communities across Scotland.

“I am extremely heartened we have pulled together a strong team who have given their full commitment to the aims of the Taskforce.”