Who's Saying What: Election Night Quotes

Published 7th May 2015

I can tell you - that is wrong. If these exit polls are right, I'll publicly eat my hat'' - Former Lib Dem leader Paddy Ashdown on the exit poll.

We are going to get more than two seats tonight. We are buoyant, we are confident'' - Ukip MEP Paul Nuttall.

I'd treat the exit poll with HUGE caution. I'm hoping for a good night but I think 58 seats is unlikely!'' - SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon.

I hope that these figures are wrong. I hope the exit poll is wrong. I won't eat my hat, but I will eat my kilt if they (the SNP) get 58 seats'' - Former Labour spin doctor Alastair Campbell.

If he (Boris Johnson) is elected, it will be a really bad day for Uxbridge and South Ruislip. They're replacing a good, trusted, respected MP for somebody with no interest in the area, with no moral compass, with a personal ambition to be prime minister'' - Michael Francis Cox, the Liberal Democrat candidate for Uxbridge and South Ruislip.

The Green surge is just beginning and we'll be looking to build on that with what looks likely to be a doubling of our parliamentary representation'' - Green Party leader Natalie Bennett.

Even if the exit poll is right, that means the Conservative/Liberal Democrat coalition majority has gone from 72 to zero - David Cameron's ability to hang on in Downing Street is on a knife-edge and he will have to reach out to get support from the Ulster unionists.'' - Shadow chancellor Ed Balls.