Saints boss Wright frustrated after chairman vetoes warm-weather training plan

Published 1st Jan 2018

St Johnstone manager Tommy Wright is hoping the weather improves after failing to persuade chairman Steve Brown to agree to a foreign training camp.

Saints players will return after some time off to resume training in Stirling and Perth during the Ladbrokes Premiership's winter shutdown.

After snow and freezing temperatures hit Scotland in late December, Wright is eyeing the weather forecast.

Wright told Press Association Sport: `I think it would have been important to go away. It's good motivation for the players, something to look forward to. You can get extra sessions in on the grass, warm-weather training, it gives everybody a lift.

`But if I'm not given any money to do that then I can't do it, which is disappointing, because I know the benefits of it. The club have to look after the purse strings, but I think the benefits would have outweighed by far the costs.

`In particular I'll be hoping that the weather eases off and we don't end up with bad weather, because obviously that's going to limit your preparation.

`It's something I worked hard to convince the chairman to do, but he couldn't do it.

`The trip we looked at had a game at the end of it, which is important. We are going to end up playing a game between ourselves.

`It's being as professional as you can and doing things the right way. Unfortunately no funds were made available for me to do that.'