Respect Us: NHS Tayside launches new campaign to tackle verbal and physical abuse

Author: Hazel MartinPublished 16th Mar 2018

Nearly a third of staff at NHS Tayside say they've been verbally abused, while 10% say they've been subjected to physical violence.

The health board launched the 'Respect Us' campaign today, to try and raise awareness and tackle the issue.

Nurse Consultant, Andy Shean works at Ninewells Hospital in Dundee, and said it is something he has experienced in the past:

NHS Tayside chief executive, Lesley McLay said: “We are committed to providing a safe working environment for all staff members and this campaign reminds patients and visitors that our staff are here to help and physical or verbal abuse is unacceptable and can lead to prosecution.

“We take each and every incident extremely seriously as it is a fundamental right of our staff that they can carry out their duties without having to face any kind of violence or the threat of violence.

“Staff are actively encouraged to report all episodes, no matter how minor, on our electronic incident reporting system. We are guided by Police Scotland when acting on incidents but NHS Tayside is committed to investigating cases and reinforcing staff safety.”