Rangers call for SPFL Chief Executive Neil Doncaster to be suspended

Published 11th Apr 2020

Rangers have called for SPFL chief executive Neil Doncaster to be suspended following the governing body's vote on how to end the season.

The Ibrox club say a whistleblower has provided them with allegations that the vote on how to end the Scottish Championship, League One and League Two was not carried out fairly.

A Gers statement read: ''We have been presented with evidence via a whistleblower that raises serious concerns surrounding the SPFL's processes relating to its stewardship of the voting on the resolution presented to member clubs.

Rangers' Interim Chairman, Douglas Park, attempted to discuss this evidence with SPFL chief executive, Neil Doncaster, who initially refused to do so. The SPFL followed up that call with an e-mail, which we believe was a thinly disguised attempt to silence legitimate concerns.

Rangers will not be bullied into silence. We believe it is in the interests of all Scottish clubs and supporters that the evidence, which is alarming, be addressed as quickly as possible.

The voting debacle and the evidence we possess raise serious questions concerning the corporate governance of the SPFL.''

Responding to a press release from Rangers FC this afternoon, SPFL Chairman Murdoch MacLennan said: “It is extremely concerning that Rangers have chosen to make a number of very serious allegations against the SPFL, its corporate governance, its culture, its office-bearers and its business operations.

“In the often-heated atmosphere of Scottish football, rumour and misinformation can very quickly reach fever-point. However, allegations of a lack of even-handedness and fair play go to the very integrity of the league and I would expect Rangers Interim Chairman Douglas Park to present compelling evidence to back up his claims, or to withdraw them.

“I anticipate that the SPFL Board will convene early next week to discuss a wide variety of issues and I will be writing to Mr Park asking him to urgently communicate any and all information he possesses in order that the board can take whatever steps are necessary.”