Pregnant Dog Rescued From Well In Fife

Published 25th May 2015

A pregnant dog who began sinking into mud after falling down a well in Fife was pulled to safety after a dramatic rescue operation.

The alarm was raised when the Doberman, named Freya, dropped six feet down into a disused well at a farm in Strathkinness, near St Andrews, on Friday morning.

The St. Andrews unit of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service and Animal Rescue Officer Joanna McDaid rushed to the scene where thankfully Freya was pulled to safety.

Joanna said: “It was a very dramatic rescue. Freya's entire back end had sunk into around a foot and a half of sludge at the bottom of the well and she was extremely distressed.

“John Brand from the fire service was absolutely great. He went down the well with a harness on and attached a safety line to Freya so the officers above could pull her out.

“The fact Freya is around five week's pregnant made this all the more worrying and we are really glad this rescue had a happy ending.

“Freya had to be hosed down as she was covered in mud but other than that was fine. Her owners have since taken her to the vets and she was given antibiotics just in case she swallowed any dirty water.

“The well is at ground level and is uncovered which is how Freya managed to fall in. Hopefully safety measures can now be put in place to prevent this from happening again.

“We'd like to praise the efforts of the fire and rescue service who were fantastic throughout this operation."