No Post for Dundee Close After Postie Slips on Urine

Deliveries to a block of flats in Dundee have been suspended by Royal Mail amid safety concerns after a postman slipped on urine in the stairwell.

Published 17th Feb 2016

Deliveries to a block of flats in Dundee have been suspended by Royal Mail amid safety concerns after a postman slipped on urine in the stairwell.

The company insists the building at 221 Albert Street is unsafe and said its staff will not return until a series of issues are addressed.

These include a lack of handrails and missing window frames.

Residents living in the flats have had to collect their mail from a delivery office instead.

Royal Mail spokeswoman Julie Pirone said: “Royal Mail can confirm that it has temporarily suspended deliveries to 221 Albert Street, Dundee, until the tenement building is made safe for our staff to undertake deliveries.

“We wrote to the customers when the suspension was put in place, following an injury sustained by one of our postmen who slipped on urine in the stairwell.

“The stairs don't have a handrail and the window frames from the stairs are also missing. Royal Mail has now carried out several risk assessments in recent months and unfortunately the building is still not safe.

“We have been trying to ascertain who owns the building to ask when the building will be made safe.”

She added: “The safety and welfare of our staff is paramount. The suspension of delivery is always a last resort and we sincerely apologise to customers for the inconvenience caused, and we urge the owners of the building to make it safe as soon as possible so deliveries can be restarted.

“In the meantime, customers can continue to collect their mail from Dundee east delivery office or they can contact us to make alternative arrangements to receive their mail.”

A Dundee City Council spokeswoman said: “The council and a number of other agencies have been providing support to owners and tenants at this property.

“We can provide financial assistance towards the installation of a secure door entry, however we require further information from the owners to begin this process.

“The council will continue to monitor the situation.”