Police tracing youths in connection with Strathmartine Hospital blaze

Three or four boys were spotted near the derelict site shortly before the fire broke out

Author: Callum ClarkPublished 3rd Jul 2019

Police say they're looking to trace a group of male youths in connection with yesterday's fire at Strathmartine Hospital.

"Three or four" youngsters were spotted near the derelict site shortly before the blaze broke out.

Around 30 firefighters were called to the Angus unit around 3.15pm.

A police spokesperson said: "The issue of unauthorised people, and in particular youths, entering the derelict site at Strathmartine has been extensively highlighted in the media recently.

"Anyone who starts a fire in an abandoned building is risking lives.

They are also risking the lives of the emergency services who have to deal with the fire, and also members of the public elsewhere in Angus and Dundee who may need help from emergency services but cannot receive it as resources are unavailable due to dealing with the fire.

"We would also like to ask parents, particularly those living nearby or in northern parts of Dundee such as Kirkton, Craigowl and St. Mary’s / Ardler, to check if their children have come home with clothes smelling of smoke, fuel or chemicals. "

Homeowners living near the site say they fear for their safety.

"Developers have to take responsibility, not just for the safety of the land but for our security," said Willie, who stays on Ashton Terrace.

"It is worrying. We all know how easily forest fires can take hold, they can cross roads and all sorts.

"Of course we have fears, everyone has.

"Imagine if the large trees caught fire, it could sweep right across the street."