Millions to be spent on new mobile technology for Scotland's officers

A report to the Scottish Police Authority estimates the total cost of the new devices and the necessary support network at ÂŁ21.6 million.

Author: Colin StonePublished 30th Aug 2018

Police Scotland plans to spend millions rolling out new mobile technology to officers.

A report to the Scottish Police Authority from the force's Deputy Chief Officer David Page estimates the total cost of the new devices and the necessary support network at ÂŁ21.6 million.

He said staff are operating “inefficiently'' with either no or out-of-date phones, and there is an “urgent need'' for modern devices.

Addressing a meeting of the SPA board, Mr Page said the roll-out of new mobile devices could generate around ÂŁ49 million of efficiency savings over a five-year period through time saved by staff.

This is the equivalent to the additional capacity of 400 extra officers, he said.

Meanwhile, the related national network infrastructure could deliver savings of ÂŁ7.5 million over seven years.

Mr Page said the investment is “absolutely critical'' for officers who would be spared having to enter data multiple times, or returning to base to get more information.

He said: “Our communities will see our officers in their space much more frequently, our officers won't be travelling back to their bases, will be given better information to do their job.

“It's a huge enabler for officers to become much more productive and much more visible in their communities.

“The investment in the national network is what we need to do to stop our systems from creaking and going out of date, but also to allow them to support mobility.''

Mr Page told the board the initial plan is for the roll-out of 600 devices by the end of the financial year, with the full 10,000 to follow.

Elaine Wilkinson, who chairs the SPA finance committee, said the business case has the support of the board, but added: “We don't take investments of this level lightly without looking at the benefits.

“We need to ensure that we don't just understand how much we're spending but the reality of the returns that we're getting on that.''

The board also heard a defence of a new strategy for greater collaboration between Scotland's emergency services.

The document sets out proposals including the development of a joint dementia strategy, the embedding of specialist mental health staff in control rooms and the possibility for each of the services to feed into the training of new recruits.

The Scottish Police Federation had raised concerns that officers were already struggling to cover their work without taking on further duties.

Responding to the comments, SPA chair Susan Deacon said: “Some have expressed concerns in the press today that collaboration might mean a diminution of people's specialist capabilities. I don't think anything could be further from the truth.

“The most effective collaboration is that which recognises the specialist skills that different people and organisations have and finds ways of how they can work better together.

“There's no question in my mind it has to be the way forward for public services in general in Scotland as well as policing in Scotland. I'm very pleased that that work is ongoing."