Police Scotland plan drive to raise awareness of illegal pesticides

Police are to visit farms and agricultural suppliers to warn about the dangers illegal and counterfeit pesticides pose to the food chain and people's health.

Published 28th Feb 2017

Police are to visit farms and agricultural suppliers to warn about the dangers illegal and counterfeit pesticides pose to the food chain and people's health.

The two-week drive is in response to an emerging threat in Europe which has seen the loss of farmland in Poland worth three million euro (£2.5 million), Police Scotland said.

Officers will work with Trading Standards, HMRC and the Health and Safety Executive to raise awareness of the threats chemicals pose to farmers and workers.

It is part of a European-wide campaign co-ordinated by Europol against the trade, which police say is run by serious and organised criminals who are targeting a global market of illegal pesticides estimated to be worth 4.4 billion euro (£3.7 billion).

About 10% of all pesticides in use throughout Europe are thought to be illicit or counterfeit and their use poses serious human health risks and environmental damage by polluting water courses with potentially toxic chemicals. Their use can also have serious implications for wildlife and the environment.

Chief Superintendent Barry McEwan, head of Police Scotland's safer communities, said: Counterfeit and illicit pesticides have been identified in parts of Europe as an emerging threat posed by organised criminals, however to date none have been found in Scotland.

We are fortunate in Scotland that the Scottish anti illicit trade group (SAITG), Police Scotland and all agencies working within the Scottish Crime Campus have recognised there is potential for the same organised criminals to exploit our communities.

We are keen to prevent this happening and the public should be in no doubt that the same criminal networks who import, distribute and sell counterfeit and illicit goods in our communities may see a commercial opportunity and explore it for profit without considering the harm.''

The operation - Operation Silver Axe II - will focus on prevention and education, and visit agricultural communities, ports, producers, distributors and buyers to limit the threat to Scottish businesses and the health and well-being of the Scottish public.

Assistant Chief Constable Steve Johnson said: Enhanced international collaboration with Interpol and Europol is crucial to achieving these aims.

The criminality comes in many guises, generating wealth at the expense of others, exploiting law-abiding people, including the most vulnerable members of our communities.''