Police proceed with cases against Ondrej Kudela and Glen Kamara

It follows enquiries into alleged racial abuse by Kudela and a reported assault by Kamara

Published 15th Apr 2021

Police are proceeding with their cases against Slavia Prague defender Ondrej Kudela and Rangers midfielder Glen Kamara.

It follows enquiries into alleged racial abuse by Kudela and a reported assault by Kamara.

Kudela has been handed a 10-match ban by UEFA following the incident last month while Kamara has been suspended for three games.

A Police Scotland spokesperson confirmed: "A report has been sent to the Procurator Fiscal following enquiries into alleged racial abuse and a reported assault at the match between Rangers and Slavia Prague at Ibrox on Thursday, 18 March, 2021.”

Glen Kamara's laywer, Aamer Anwar, is now calling for Kudela to co-operate with police.

In a statement he said: "The police believe they have sufficiency of evidence for a criminal charge of ‘racially aggravated conduct’ by Kudela, towards Glen Kamara.

"Such a charge would normally be prosecuted under Section 50A(1)(b) of the Criminal Procedure Scotland Act 1995, and if Mr Kudela was found guilty of an offence under this section on summary conviction, he could be sentenced to imprisonment for a period not exceeding 6 months, or fined a sum not exceeding the statutory maximum, or indeed both such punishments could be imposed.

"Glen Kamara has also been reported over an allegation of assault in the aftermath of his being racially abused by Ondrej Kudela.

"It is disappointing that to date Mr Kudela has failed to co-operate with Police Scotland, has not attended any police interviews, and has failed to provide a full statement to Police Scotland.

"We would strongly urge Mr Kudela to co-operate with officers carrying out their investigations into his alleged criminal conduct.

"Conversely, Glen Kamara has fully co-operated with Police Scotland and provided a statement to officers at my offices on Friday 9th April.

"Yesterday UEFA found Ondrej Kudela guilty of the charge of racist behaviour. Whilst there was disappointment with the bare minimum 10 game ban which was imposed upon Kudela, Glen felt vindicated by UEFA’s judgement, and hopes that real lessons are learned, not just by Kudela, but also by his club Slavia Prague and their fans.

"Glen also hopes that, if Slavia Prague are genuine in wishing to eradicate racism, then they will take all appropriate steps to publicly call out the racist abuse that he is still being subjected to by some of their fans.

"Glen wants to thank the Rangers fans, but also the wider football community, for the overwhelming support they have given him".