Police hunting two men after assault at Dundee bus station

A 55-year-old man and 56-year-old woman are believed to have been attacked around 7:30 on Sunday night.

Dundee Bus Station

An investigation is underway after an alleged assault at Dundee bus station on Sunday 3rd March.

A 55-year-old man and 56-year-old woman were attacked at around 7:30pm by two men who had been travelling on the same bus as them.

The men had got on the vehicle at Manchester and sat at the rear of the top deck.

One of them caused a minor disturbance on the bus between Perth and Dundee. When it arrived in the city they then barged their way to the front of the luggage queue and assaulted the two victims who had confronted them about their behaviour.

They were then spotted heading off in the direction of Trade lane.

Fortunately neither of the victims were seriously injured although they did require medical attention.

Officers wish to trace the two men who are described as being in their late 20s/early 30s, about 5ft 7 and of a slim/medium build. Both spoke with local accents.

One of them had short ginger hair and wore a beige coloured baseball cap while the other had a pair of wireless headphones.

They also possessed a khaki-coloured rucksack and silver suitcase.

Anyone with any information should contact Police on 101.