Police double border patrols to deter Christmas travel

Chief Constable says they'll enforce law but there won't be road blocks

Published 20th Dec 2020

Police Scotland will double its presence along the border with England after the First Minister announced tighter coronavirus restrictions.

In a statement on Twitter, Police Scotland Chief Constable Iain Livingstone said highly visible patrols'' on roads will be used todeter anyone who might be considering breaching the coronavirus travel restrictions''.

He said: I remain clear I do not consider it appropriate or proportionate for officers to establish checkpoints or roadblocks to simply enforce travel restrictions.

These restrictions are a preventative measure to halt the progress of Covid, and Police Scotland will support this approach with a strong operational profile to deter those who would put others at risk.

Today, I have authorised the doubling of our operational presence in the Border areas of Scotland.

These highly visible patrols will be proactively deployed on our road networks to continue our operational activity to ensure drivers and vehicles are in a fit condition to drive.

The patrols will also deter anyone who night be considering breaching the coronavirus travel restrictions.''

He added that where officers encounter wilful, persistent or flagrant breaches we will act decisively to enforce the law''.