Police confirm identity of woman killed in Milnathort

46 year old Kim Clark confirmed as woman who died after being hit by a vehicle on Tuesday

Published 15th Apr 2016

Police have confirmed the identity of the woman who died after being hit by a vehicle in Kinross on Tuesday 12th April.

46-year-old Kim Clark had been named locally shortly after the incident in South Street in Milnathort.

In a statement issued through Police Scotland her family say they ‘are understandably upset by their sudden loss' and 'that she will be greatly missed.’

A spokesperson for Police Scotland says:

“Enquiries into the full set of circumstances of the incident are on-going and Tayside Division would appeal for anyone who may have information that could assist officers with their enquiries to contact Police Scotland on 101. As with all sudden deaths a report will be submitted to the Procurator Fiscal.”