Plans for Broughty Ferry flood defences showcased

Locals will get a chance to look at the plans at Castle Green Community Centre between 11am and 7pm.

Published 13th Dec 2016

Efforts to improve flood defences in Broughty Ferry, between Douglas Terrace and the castle, will be on display today giving residents the chance to see the proposals first hand.

The council’s hosting a day long consultation – showing locals how their feedback has already influenced the plans to reduce the risk of coastal flooding by building better defences.

It will take place at Castle Green Community Centre between 11am and 7pm, with members of the city council’s design team on hand to help answer questions, explain technical details and the thinking behind the plans at this stage.

Will Dawson convener of Dundee City Council’s city development committee said: “Since the last public consultation we undertook in June our engineers have been working on refining the details of the project, trying to take on board comments and feedback from the people of the Ferry.

“This latest exhibition will give them a chance to see how their reaction has influenced the design so far and tell us more about the updated plans.”

The projected scheme aims to reduce the risk of coastal flooding in Broughty Ferry by constructing improved defences between Douglas Terrace and the castle.

A sample panel of the proposed flood protection wall will be on display at the notice board at Castle Pier and comments on the material and colour will also be welcomed.

More information can be found on the regularly updated webpage at: