Perth Woman Finds Stalker Naked In Her Bed

Published 18th Jun 2015

A Perth man who crept into his victim's home, stipped off and lay in wait in her bed has been banned from going near her for 30 months.

Alan Kettles sneaked into Jennifer Fyfe's home while she was out and stripped off before climbing into her bed.

He escaped a prison term after a sheriff heard he had already spent the equivalent of a 14-month sentence on remand waiting for the case to be dealt with.

Instead, Sheriff Fiona Tait placed Kettles under social work supervision for 30 months and ordered him to carry out 180 hours unpaid work in the community.

She also ordered him to undergo alcohol treatment and made him the subject of a non-harassment order, banning him from contacting his victim or entering the street where she lives in Perth.

The sheriff praised Ms Fyfe, who gave evidence before a jury, and said:"I was impressed by her evidence and she took a very sensible approach to matters and didn't seek to exaggerate what had taken place."

Perth Sheriff Court heard how Kettles managed to get a copy of his victim's house key and used it to secretly enter her home while she was out.

The court was told Kettles clambered into bed and when Jennifer Fyfe, 56, came home days after dumping him he stood up to reveal that he was stark naked.

Mrs Fyfe had told the court that she had been married when she started an illicit affair with Kettles, 55, but had broken it off in May last year.

She said that she had only once let him borrow a key, but told the jury he must have had a copy made clandestinely as he repeatedly sneaked back into her home while she was asleep.

Mrs Fyfe said she ended her relationship with Kettles on 21 May last year. "I let him in and told him it was finished," she told the trial. "We had a lengthy discussion and he eventually left.

"He turned up at my house the next evening. I was in my bed. The door was locked. He came into my bedroom. I asked how he got in and he said the door was unlocked."

Kettles left but bombarded Mrs Fyfe with texts the next day in which she said he had threatened to "tell the papers and her family" about their affair.

She said she carefully double checked all the doors were locked before going to bed the following evening - only for Kettles to appear at the end of her bed again.

"I went to sleep and was woken at 1 am by hearing someone coming into my house and up the stairs. I felt extremely anxious. I knew it was Alan Kettles.

"I thought he must have had a key cut. I didn't want any confrontation with him and pretended I was sleeping. I felt his presence in my bedroom and knew he was looking at me."

She said she sent Kettles a text warning him that she would go to the police if he did not return the copied key but he failed to hand it back.

Mrs Fyfe said she started taping up her internal kitchen door to check if Kettles had been in her home and was shocked one day to find him lying in bed.

She said his chest was exposed and when he pulled back the covers and stood up it was clear that he had stripped completely naked in her bedroom.

Kettles, a prisoner at Perth, initially denied engaging in a course of conduct which caused fear and alarm to the complainer between 22 and 26 May last year, but changed his plea to guilty midway through the trial.

He admitted taking a door key without permission from her Perth home and making a copy before clandestinely returning the original.

He gained access to her home using the copied key and entered the bedroom while she was in bed. Kettles admitted using the copy key whilst she was out so he could "enter the bedroom, remove his clothing and enter her bed to await her arrival home."

Kettles also seized hold of her and admitted a second charge of breaching bail conditions not to approach her or her home by sending a message to her landline on 15 June last year. Ms Fyfe declined to comment.