Perth pupil quizzed by police after posting video threatening to bomb school

The fourth year student also warned he would shoot his peers before later apologising online

Published 4th Jun 2019
Last updated 4th Jun 2019

A schoolboy has been quizzed by police after posting a chilling online video threatening to bomb his school and shoot pupils.

The fourth year pupil - whose YouTube channel shows a fascination with guns and violent video game Fortnite - said he would target "sporty and popular" pupils.

The video was drawn to the attention of the police by a number of worried parents who had been made aware of it by their children after it was posted on Monday.

The pupil, who has numerous social media accounts, has since removed the threatening post from his channel, which has 316 subscribers.

Shortly after being quizzed by police, the boy posted a new four minute video titled I'm Sorry (IT WENT TO FAR) and used the hashtags #apology #sorry #baddesisions.

He said: "I'm sorry so many parents had to get involved and phone law enforcement and pursue me legally if you will, just because of my video.

"I'm sorry for affecting so many people in my school. This is my apology video and I'm sorry for posting that video on You Tube.

What I said in that video was genuinely quite scary and I understand that.

"At the start it was meant to be a serious video about my depression and it got a bit out of hand and I said something stupid at the end.

"I got quite angry and said something very stupid. I have no intent to hurt anyone. I have no thoughts about that. I have no plans.

"I realise what it's done and I have affected people. I understand some people will never forgive me.

"I'm genuinely truly sorry and we all make f-ups in life and say s we don't mean. I feel like s*** sometimes. However, that doesn't give me the excuse to make threats online, does it? No.

"I'm sorry for scaring some of you guys. I'm sorry for getting police involved and I'm sorry for putting all this strain on everyone. It was unneeded, unnecessary, and I feel stupid for doing it.

"I'm sorry for being a bit of a f*** and posting weird s* on my channel. People still think I'm f**** weird."

After giving the apology, the boy then appeared to be pleased that his chilling stunt had increased his online profile.

He said: "Hopefully you guys won't unsubscribe from me. The weird part is I actually gained subscribers. Please subscribe and stay tuned in. I'll see you in my next video."

A spokeswoman for Perth and Kinross Council said: "It has been brought to our attention that a young person had posted a video online that raised concerns.

"As soon as we became aware, the school informed Police Scotland and appropriate procedures were followed. The school will now work to support the young person/s involved.

A spokesperson for Police Scotland said: "Police Scotland can confirm that following the posting of concerning videos on social media, an intervention and assessment along with partner agencies has been carried out and a proportionate approach has been adopted in relation to the 15 year old boy who posted the material.

"All of the relevant material has been removed from social media, and no person has been charged at this time."