Nicola Sturgeon urged to act on NHS Tayside mental health services

Published 3rd Oct 2019

Scottish Labour leader Richard Leonard has called on the First Minister to intervene in NHS Tayside's handling of mental health services.

He said an interim report of an inquiry into the services by David Strang said NHS Tayside should immediately halt its drive towards centralising its mental health care provision in Dundee.

Mr Strang has said this week that the health board has not adhered to the recommendation, the only one made in the report.

Mr Leonard said: "He (Strang) said proposals to centralise mental health services in Dundee should not be considered before 'a comprehensive review of mental health service strategy is carried out'.

"But not only has NHS Tayside failed to carry out that review, worse still the board is pressing ahead with the centralisation of those services.

"Speaking in the last week, Mr Strang said 'it's disappointing, this was the only recommendation in the whole report because I thought it was urgently needed'.''

Responding to Mr Leonard at First Minister's Questions on Thursday, Nicola Sturgeon said: "Let me be very clear, when an independent inquiry makes recommendations, it's the expectation of me and of the Scottish Government that they are fully taken account of by NHS boards, and I would expect NHS Tayside to take account of the recommendations made by David Strang.''

Mr Leonard called on the First Minister to "step in'' on the matter.

He said: "If the independent expert appointed to chair this inquiry, a man with considerable experience, says his recommendation is being ignored - despite demanding action as far back as May - and the grieving families are saying things are getting worse not better, First Minister, your expectation isn't being met.

"So isn't it time that you stepped in, before more time is wasted, before more families are made to suffer and before more lives are needlessly lost?''

In response, Ms Sturgeon said she would "reflect'' on the matter, "given the seriousness of the issues that have been raised with me''.

She added: "I'll repeat what I said in my earlier answer, it is my expectation that health boards properly take account of recommendations like this one in the decision-making processes that they are required to undertake.

"I will certainly consider carefully the points that were raised by Richard Leonard today.''

The First Minister also offered her condolences to families who have lost a loved one to suicide, saying the Health Secretary is prepared to meet with them to see what can be done.

She said: "It's important that we listen to the lived experience of patients and of their relatives, and to do that in good faith and in all sincerity."