NHS Phone Line 'Working Again'

Published 22nd Nov 2014

The NHS 24 helpline was hit by a technical difficulty'' for several hours today. The problem left some callers around the UK unable to get through to the medical advice line via the 111 number. Officials worked to address the issueas a matter of priority'' and later confirmed that the problem had been resolved and that the full service was back up and running. Callers in Scotland and England were advised to access the services by dialling separate 11-digit numbers while the problem was being fixed. A service spokeswoman said: NHS 24 can confirm that earlier technical problems with the 111 number have now been resolved.Patients needing assistance with health matters can contact NHS 24 on 111.'' A similar technical problem affecting the non-emergency police number 101 was also resolved today. The new freephone 111 number was launched in Scotland in April. At the time, ministers said the change made the number easy to remember, while the introduction of the free-to-call service removed any barrier to the public accessing the health advice out of hours.

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Mary Mandefield

Tay FM