NHS England to stop funding treatment for Scottish soldier

Callum Brown from Ayr lost his legs in Afghanistan.

Published 28th Jul 2017
Last updated 28th Jul 2017

Treatment for an injured Scottish soldier down south could soon be stopped because NHS England will not fund it.

Callum Brown from Ayr lost both his legs at war in Afghanistan six years ago.

Since then, the 28-year-old has been receiving specialist support at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham. It’s understood the type of care is not available north of the border.

But Callum has now been told that treatment will be stopped after his next two appointments because NHS England is not funding it.

A statement sent to us from the hospital says, “University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust has arranged for two more follow-up appointments for Mr Brown in order to determine the effectiveness of his latest cycle of treatment.

"If he needs further treatment within the Trust we would need to seek pre-approved funding from NHS Scotland.”

Bill Grant, Conservative MP for Ayr, Carrick and Cumnock, has stepped in calling for answers...

Dr Alison Graham, Medical Director says, "NHS Ayrshire and Arran is committed to funding and supporting Mr Brown’s ongoing treatment, be that in Scotland or elsewhere.

"We are in discussion with University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust regarding this."