New dog walker scheme launched in Dundee

Accreditation scheme follows complaints about some commercial dog walkers

Published 27th Apr 2016

Dundee City Council is launching an accreditation scheme for Professional Dog Walkers.

The scheme follows complaints about commercial dog walkers walking with dogs not under control, not picking up and conflicting with other activities such as golf.

Now, Dundee Dog Watch will provide responsible Professional Dog Walkers the opportunity to join the council’s accredited scheme.

Council neighbourhood services convener Councillor John Alexander says : “The city’s green spaces are great for dog exercise. Professional dog walkers provide a valuable service to dog owners who are working, elderly or in poor health. But we are keen to ensure that everyone who uses our green spaces can enjoy them and that the spaces remain clean. This scheme is a great way for Professional Dog Walkers to promote their business and provide a good example to others.

The scheme costs £20 and is available for all dog walking companies who exercise dogs in Dundee, not just those who are based in the city.

Those who gain the accreditation will be able to display their Council Dog Watch approved certificate on their vehicles and will also have user ID.

Approved companies will continue to be monitored and can lose their approved user status if they breach any of the requirements.

The scheme has been successful in other areas, including East Lothian where it was first introduced. Locally the scheme was suggested by responsible professional dog walkers, who realised that they were being criticised for the irresponsible actions of others.

To qualify for accreditation, a professional dog walker will have their vehicle checked to make sure it is safe for dog transport and have to sign up to a list of conditions including:-

• No more than six dogs to be exercised at any one time.

• The professional dog walking company to have relevant pet business insurance.

• Comply with all current dog related laws, regulations and guidance.

• Keep accurate up to date records for each dog in their care.

• Dogs to be transported in a vehicle fit for purpose with dogs adequately secured

• To have a first aid kit designed for dogs.

• Dogs to be tagged with the professional dog walking company’s own company tag whilst under their authority.

• Controlling dogs at all times during exercise.

• Cleaning up any dog fouling.

• Being aware and responsible for other land use – i.e. keeping away from livestock and bird habitat areas.

Companies that join the scheme and gain approved status will be listed on the council’s website.

More information is available at: