National Battle of Loos Commemorations Get Underway in Dundee

At sunrise this morning, veterans gathered to on Dundee's Law to light the beacon of the city's War Memorial in remembrance of the seven thousand Scots who lost their lives at the Battle of Loos.

Published 25th Sep 2015

At sunrise this morning, veterans gathered to on Dundee's Law to light the beacon of the city's War Memorial in remembrance of the seven thousand Scots who lost their lives at the Battle of Loos.

Today marks the 100th Anniversary of the start of the First World War Battle - the first to involve all the Scottish regiments.

It's estimated every household in the city knew a family affected by the conflict - and the lighting of the beacon marks the start of a weekend of events commemorating the battle that called upon thirty thousand Scottish soldiers.

Battle of Loos Commemorations get Underway from Tay News on Vimeo.