Murder Investigation Launched in Fife

Police Launch Murder Investigation after death of Leven Pensioner

Published 7th Jan 2016

A murder investigation has been launched after the death of a pensioner in Fife.

The body of 82 year old Mary Logie was found at her home in Green Gates in Leven on Tuesday night.

The last time she had been seen alive was 8am the same day.

Police say she had suffered head injuries and was pronounced dead at the scene.

In a statement issued through Police Scotland Mary Logie’s family said:

“Mary Logie, a beloved mother, grandmother and friend will be sadly missed.

"She was born, bred and lived in the Leven area all her life. "The family are assisting the police in the investigation and wish to be left alone at this difficult time”

Officers from Police Scotland's Major Investigation Team are now progressing this inquiry and anyone who can assist with their investigation is asked to come forward.

Detective Chief Inspector Keith Hardie from the MIT said: "Whoever has been responsible for causing Mary's death has preyed on a vulnerable and elderly member of the community and we are pursuing various lines of inquiry as part of this ongoing investigation.

"I would ask that anyone who remembers seeing anything suspicious in the Green Gates area in the days and hours before Mary was found contacts police immediately.

"In addition, anyone with any other information that can help us find Mary's killer should also get in touch, either by contacting Police Scotland on 101 or by making an anonymous call to the charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111."

Chief Inspector Adrian Annandale, Local Area Commander for North East Fife said: "This incident will undoubtedly leave the local community within Leven both shocked and deeply angry and I want to assure the public that we are doing everything we can to identify whoever is responsible.

"We will have high-visibility patrols within the Green Gates area for the time being and if you have any information that can assist us with this investigation please speak to one of the officers on patrol.

"Crimes of this nature are extremely rare, both within Leven and across Fife, however, we recognise the impact this will have on local residents and we are utilising all resources at our disposal to bring Mary's killer to justice."