MSPs Want US Deal NHS 'Double Lock'

MSPs have called for a ``double lock'' to protect the NHS to be included in a trade deal being negotiated by the European Union (EU) and the US.

Published 17th Mar 2015

MSPs have called for a double lock'' to protect the NHS to be included in a trade deal being negotiated by the European Union (EU) and the US.

The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is designed to improve economic ties between the EU and US, but critics fear it could open the door to private-sector takeovers of public services such as the NHS.

The European and External Relations Committee has encouraged negotiators to write a double lock'' into the deal to ensure that Holyrood would not lose authority for how public bodies, such as the NHS, should operate.

The committee's report highlights continuing public concern'' about the negotiating process and suggests that adouble lock'' could help to secure public trust and confidence in the TTIP negotiations.

The report also expresses reservations about some of the assumptions relating to economic growth that have been used in support of the agreement'', suggesting that the deal might impact negatively on some sectors of the economy.

Committee convener Christina McKelvie said: This inquiry has demonstrated to us how distant people in Scotland can feel from the decisionmakers in Brussels.

Our inquiry has allowed Scottish voices and Scottish concerns to be heard on an issue of vital importance to the future of our country.

We hope that this report will help those voices to be heard loud and clear by the UK Government and the European Union in conducting these negotiations.''

The committee has called on the European Commission to make as much information as possible available during the remaining negotiations.

However, Labour MSPs on the committee dissented from the view that a lack of transparency involved in the negotiations has contributed to significant public distrust in the agreement''.

The committee was surprised by the lack of knowledge, understanding or engagement of some business organisations in Scotland on TTIP.

It considers that it is important for business organisations to understand the implications of a trade agreement with the US and encourages the UK Government, the Scottish Government and the enterprise agencies to raise awareness of TTIP among the business community.

The report states: The committee recognises that the US is an important export market for Scotland, based both on existing figures and the potential for further growth.

It believes that trade liberalisation could be significant for a number of sectors in Scotland and promote economic growth.

The committee also recognises that TTIP could result in increased inward investment from the US in the future.

However, we have reservations about some of the assumptions relating to economic growth that have been used in support of the agreement.

We consider, in light of the evidence heard, that while there are likely to be some positive outcomes from the agreement, there may also be some sectors that contract in the face of increased competition with a negative consequential effect on employment.''

While TTIP could reduce red tape for exporters it could also result in a lowering of regulatory standards'' in areas such as the environment, food production and animal husbandry, the committee said.

It said the public will not be reassured'' by UK and EC statements to the contrary as there areno cast-iron guarantees that regulatory standards will not be negatively impacted''.